Celebrating Our 3rd Anniversary

Three years ago, we came to you with an impossible dream: a tee shirt to change the world, to empower individuals to eliminate waste wherever it imposed upon adventure. With your partnership, we told you we could make fast fashion a thing of the past, and could save not only your time but the planet itself with sustainable clothing that helps reduce your carbon footprint. We assured you that, together, we could make our shared dream a reality.

Today we’ve grown from offering tees and hoodies to a collection of over 100 garments.  Thousands of gallons of water have been saved, innumerable watts of energy unspent, lifetimes away from the wash. Your lifestyle, your values, your dedication to making every day extraordinary—together, we’ve made it possible. And, as always, we can’t thank you enough.

So on this, our third anniversary, let’s continue to make the impossible, possible.